
TotalSim logo

TotalSim is a full-service CFD consulting group that provides expert knowledge and insight to help their customers outperform the competition. They have extensive experience in solving a multitude of complex engineering problems across a broad range of industries.

TotalSim provides an array of services including training, support, software development and hardware for leading-edge CFD tools.

Modeling and Simulation Capabilities

  • Aerodynamics
  • Internal Flow
  • Rotating Flow
  • Exhaust Flow
  • Thermal Modeling
  • Chemical Processes
  • Ventilation
  • Compressible Flow
  • Multiphase Flow
  • Discrete Element Modeling (DEM)
  • Noise and Acoustics
  • Free Surface Modeling
  • Dynamic Moving Mesh

For more information on having TotalSim construct a purpose-built CFD application for your problem-domain, contact us.

TotalSim Products

Featured App


FSAE Sim App logo

The FSAE Sim App gives students designing Formula SAE cars the ability to easily perform Aerodynamic analysis on their designs using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations in a "Virtual Wind Tunnel".

Truck Add-on

Truck Add-on App logo

Truck Add-on App allows users to simulate the drag-reduction effects of a variety of fuel-saving truck and trailer attachments, including skirts, boat-tails, wheel covers and underbody devices.


HVAC App logo

Optimize your heating, ventilation or air conditioning system by analyzing its flow-field, heat transfer and contaminant distribution characteristics with HVAC App.

Blender Rendering

Leverage the processing power of HPC to render single or multi-frame blender scenes.

Fixed-Wing UAV

Fixed-Wing UAV App logo

Fixed-Wing UAV app provides flow-field prediction capability for fixed-wing UAV designs of any scale and configuration.

Data Center Cooling

Data Center Cooling App logo

Data Center Cooling App provides easy-to-use thermal analysis for any datacenter layout and configuration.

Marine App

Marine App logo

Marine App allows users to perform ship drag and trim analysis using high fidelity, 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD).

Automotive Concept

Automotive Concept logo

Automotive Concept App provides drag prediction capability for external vehicle simulations of automotive applications.


FlowBench App logo

FlowBench App allows users to run their geometry through a “virtual flow bench” and measure the flow rate or pressure drop through the device.

Axial Fan

Axial Fan logo

Axial Fan App generates high-fidelity performance predictions for uploaded fan designs across the entire fan curve.

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